Monday, December 03, 2007 the rescue?

Was there an eclipse of the sun that happened recently, that I wasn't aware of? Because I'm pretty sure that I've recently acquired a new superpower. Of course, I don't yet know the full extent of my power, nor do I have control over it, as it's still new to me. But I'm really, really good at breaking through solid metal...inadvertently, of course. For now.

First, right before Thanksgiving, it was my cane - yes, it is wooden, but it was not the wood part that broke. Nope, the actual screw that held the 2 pieces together snapped clean in two. I reached down to tighthen the connection one morning (sometimes the head unscrews a bit from the base), and it came apart in my hands. The cut was smooth, and seemed unnatural.

The second time was this morning, when I was on my way out the door (and I left early, both because of the inclement weather and because this is Meetings Week at work). I stopped at the mailbox to post a couple of letters, and when I turned around, I felt something snap and go flying...turns out my awesome messenger bag, which I've been using 24/7 since I got it, decided it couldn't handle the stress anymore: the bottom of one of the metal buckles holding the strap to the bag simply snapped off. It's irreparable! Not to mention seriously uncanny.

So maybe this does mean I have special powers? That, or I just overuse the things I own. =\

Hey: save MetalGirl, save the world. Hah! xo

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