Monday, April 11, 2005

i know, i know, bad me

Sorry I didn't make any entries these past few days. I went (with Dan in tow, since he wanted a free lunch out of my pocket, hehe) to my French Language Meetup group on Saturday at 2pm, and then we ended up at the chess tables in the Commons playing chess with Praveen, one of the members of the group. Well, Dan ended up playing chess, and I ended up wandering around, checking out some of the stores I've never been to, and reading more of my French magazine (I tend to read it little bits at a time). When it got a bit too chilly for me, I returned home to take a cat nap in the sun (when Dan came back home I guess I woke up at one point and said "I'm a kitty" to him, which he thought was HILARIOUS). When I woke up, I wanted to watch The Rock on StarzTicket because it was about to expire, so we watched that, with Dan waiting impatiently to hear his favorite line from Sean Connery:

Your "best"! Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen.

The movie ended around 9 or 10pm, I'd say...and then, we finally decided to get in the car and drive to CT because Dan had a race to run with his mother and grandmother on Sunday morning. Oy. What a crazy 24 hours. The race was run, though, and then we hung around in Oakville until around 10 or 11pm, at which point Dan drove us all the way back to Ithaca (and I slept 75% of the drive, since I had to work the next day - I don't normally do that, these days, because I know how nice it is to have company on a long drive...).

Anyway, so that was my hectic weekend! At least I got to take some time to chat with Robyn and Jen, which really made my day. I have such good friends.

Currently Reading:

TITLE: This Is Burning Man: The Rise of a New American Underground

AUTHOR: Brian Doherty


Bookfraud said...

hey, adrianna, nice to see you back. i haven't checked on your blog for several weeks, and was glad to see you're posting again.

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