Friday, June 16, 2006

inconvenient, indeed

So last night after finally hooking up with Kelley & Co. to help celebrate her birthday (hope you had a great day, sweetheart!), Dan & I finally got to see An Inconvenient Truth in its entirety. And what a frightening movie it was! It's so difficult for us (humans, but largely Americans) to wrap our minds around environmental problems because they happen so "slowly" (relative to our lifetimes, NOT to to that of the Earth) and because we're living our lives pretty much as we always have, even as things rapidly deteriorate elsewhere. I wonder what big-scale tragedy it's going to take to wake people up -- even Hurricane Katrina's damage last year didn't really change anyone's mind. The environment has always been a really important issue to me, and I just wish the movie had presented less despair and more suggestions on what to do to make things better. Well no, the despair was good (as a wakeup call, I hope); I just wanted more of a balance of solutions, too. I know my own personal ecological footprint isn't terribly big, but it's big enough that I'd like to make some changes, still. There was a website included at the end of the movie that I meant to check out (supposedly there are suggestions there on what to do, how to make a positive impact on the problems), but I didn't manage to remember it. I'll try to locate it later on.

For now, I've just got the "Inconvenient for you, I'm sorry sir" line from Dazed & Confused stuck running through my head. Hah.

Edit: The website was, which is An Inconvenient Truth's official website.

Currently Reading:

TITLE: Fresh Lipstick: Redressing Fashion and Feminism
AUTHOR: Linda M. Scott

TITLE: Everyone Worth Knowing
AUTHOR: Lauren Weisberger

TITLE: The Art of Interactive Design
AUTHOR: Chris Crawford