Ack! I think I've got a lot of catching up to do!
I didn't write much while I was in CT because there were all of these pictures I had, that I needed to wait till I got back to Ithaca to upload. So, let's see what I've got...a few of them are going to be post-dated back into some of the old entries where I promised pictures, but most of them haven't even been discussed yet! This entry might be a bit convoluted, but here's what I've got:
First, there was Dad's Stonehenge-like art that he made at the Red Plate - my family took me out to eat for my birthday dinner on the weekend after my operation, since it was the first time we were all back together since the 8th! It was really nice - Dan came along, too, and we had creme brulee, mmmm. Earlier in the afternoon, we had a cake frosted with the kind of cream that you find in cannoli. My sisters found that at this bakery in Wesleyan, and we ate it with my grandparents. That's neither here nor there, but wow was that also good.
Next, here's the "series" that I took of the bag I knitted for Bethany (there's a purple one I made for Sarah, but I don't yet have the photos of that one). I took a "before" picture:
and an after one:
I think it turned out pretty hot, if I do say so myself...
And, lastly, Dan and I attended a conference in Hartford, Outgrowing Capitalism, where during the "propaganda" session of the day, we worked on a stencil with 2 other people, to create a layered effect (unfortunately my camera phone's capabilities doesn't quite do it justice).
Interestingly, this kid Keith that graduated a couple of years before me was also at the conference, on a whim. I think he enjoyed it as much as we did - hope so! I learned a lot of cool stuff. I hope they do more. Anyway, while I was killing time post-flag-stencil, I did a quick one, myself - my first stencil, which I have to say, I'm pretty proud of:
So, well, that's all I had on my camera. I thought there were a zillion more, but I guess not! Anyway, otherwise, not much else to catch up on, here. I am back to work post-Memorial Day, and it appears things are going pretty well on that front. I am reading Blankets by Craig Thompson and am in love with it - glad I finally got around to it, it's been on my reading list for years! And it's defintiely a quick read, but well worth it. What a beautiful book.
I'm actually gonna go read more of it, now. I will try to be back soon - I need to get better at posting regularly, so that I don't have to write so much each time!!
Currently Reading:
TITLE: Blankets
AUTHOR: Craig Thompson
TITLE: Affluenza
AUTHOR: John DeGraff, David Wann, Thomas H. Naylor
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